21 May 2008

For 2 VIP

To the person who made up almost all of my happy memories in tkgs;
Yes, there will always always be a good reason for whatever good/bad
that happens. The reason may not be very obvious now, but somewhere
down the road, Im sure it'll be. Its never the end ok, there are still
alot of other options available and each and every one of those option
will open more doors. No matter what, all of us will be right behind you yups (:

To the person who sat beside me for 2 years;
Cheer up sweetie, sometimes things in life may not go the way you
wanted/wished/prayed it would go. Yes, its disappointing especially
when you've put in effort that is umpteen times that of the queue
at Ben&Jerry's free cone day. But dont let disappointment take away
your faith ok. This is not the end of anything, its only the beginning.
Remember your motto, fight hard (:

And I just wanna say, we are 18 years old and we still have a long road ahead.
Whatever seems to be happening now, no matter how unpleasant, may or may not
alter the path we're about to take. But it'll definitely not change
how we can turn out to be. For those who have been disappointed over and over
again, hold on. Cos for all you know, your turning point maybe coming very soon.
xoxo - trixie